Music at St Paul's

St Paul's Choir

Our choir sings at the parish Eucharist each Sunday and at major Festivals throughout the year.  It also leads Choral Evensong on a more or less monthly basis. We are affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), and we take part in local RSCM events and festivals. 

The adult choir is open to anyone aged 14 and upwards, who may/may not be able to read music, but who has a love of music and in particular of singing with others.  We cater for all voices, no matter how low (bass) or high (soprano) an individual's voice may be, and we welcome anyone who would like to "give it a go". Rehearsals are currently on Wednesdays at 7:00 (with a summer break in August).

For more information about the RSCM click on the link:



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